Picar (*) To nibble.
¿Hay algo para picar? Is there anything to nibble?
(*) To nosh.
El papeo is "nosh" or "grub". From the word
papo/papada, the bit of flesh under the chin.
Ya es hora de papear
algo (*) It's about time we ate
Ir de tapeo (*) To go for
¿Por qué no nos
vamos esta noche de tapeo? Why don't we go out for tapas tonight?
birra (*) Slang for beer, borrowing the
Italian word for it.
Empinar el codo (*) Lit. To
straighten up one's elbow like a pine. To have quite a few drinks, referring to
your arm's position when drinking.
A estas
horas ya estará en el bar empinando el codo (*) At this time he'll already be at the bar having a
few pints.
Beber como una
esponja (*) Lit. To drink like
a sponge. To drink a lot.
un pedo, peo (*) Lit.
To have a fart. To be in a state of drunkenness. Not to be confused with
tirarse un pedo,
peo (**) to fart.
Manolo tiene un pedo de mucho cuidado (**) Lit. Manolo has a very well cared for fart.
Manolo's really drunk.
pedo, peo (**) To be
Estar mamado/a (*) Lit. To be breast-fed. Another
way to refer to drunkenness.
la pota/la pastilla/la papilla (**) Lit. To throw out the pan/the tablet/the baby's puree. To
be sick.
Ya echó la pota dos veces (**) He's already been
sick twice.
Una resaca (*) A
¡Joder! ¡Menuda resaca tengo!
Fue el puto vino de ayer (**) Bloody hell! I am so hungover! It was
that crap wine yesterday.